Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Crib Tents: A Love/Hate Relationship

So I pulled out my sewing kit once again to fix my son's crib tent for the umpteenth time last night.  The tent has saved me and my husband many sleepless nights not needing to worry about our son wandering around the house, or worse, outside of the house.  But I wish they were constructed a little sturdier for children with special needs.  Not only does this one look like the Frankenstein of crib tents, it is also our second one for him so far.  And they are not cheap, hence the reason I keep repairing it.  I really do love it though, and would recommend it to anyone with a toddler or special needs child.

1 comment:

  1. I also had a love/hate relationship with our crib tent and had to fix it numerous times. They need to make them sturdier.:)
